The impact of e-banking service quality (responsiveness) on customer purchase intention with mediating effect of customer satisfaction


  • Rao Akmal Ali Department of Management Sciences National University of modern languages, Multan Campus
  • Maliha Azhar Department of Management Sciences National University of modern languages
  • Hafsa Sherwani MBA, National University of modern languages


E-banking, Service quality, Responsiveness, Customer satisfaction, Purchase intention


This study examines the connection between e-banking services, in particular responsiveness, customer pride, and patron buy goal, with a focal point on the mediating impact of consumer satisfaction. Data was collected from three hundred customers of numerous banks through the use of a structured questionnaire. The results imply a giant advantageous relationship between e-banking provider satisfaction (responsiveness) and purchaser pleasure, in addition to purchaser satisfaction and consumer purchase intention.  This paper investigates the relationship between e-banking provider pleasantness, especially responsiveness, purchaser pride, and purchaser buy aim, with a focal point on the mediating impact of consumer pleasure. Data was collected from one hundred fifty customers of diverse banks through the usage of an established questionnaire. The consequences imply a significant nice courting among e-banking provider first-rate (responsiveness) and consumer delight, as well as among client pride and consumer purchase aim. Furthermore, client satisfaction partly mediates the relationship between e-banking carrier exceptional (responsiveness) and patron buy aim. These findings underscore the significance of responsiveness in e-banking service quality and its impact on customer pleasure and buying purpose. Furthermore, client satisfaction partly mediates the connection between e-banking service high-quality (responsiveness) and purchaser purchase goal. These findings highlight the significance of responsiveness in e-banking providers and its impact on client satisfaction and purchase purpose.




How to Cite

Ali, R. A., Azhar, M., & Sherwani, H. (2023). The impact of e-banking service quality (responsiveness) on customer purchase intention with mediating effect of customer satisfaction. Journal of Excellence in Management Sciences, 2(2), 179–190. Retrieved from


