About the Journal

As an open-access journal, we are committed to disseminating knowledge widely, allowing researchers, practitioners, and the general public to access our content freely. Advanced Psychological Research operates under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Objectives of APR

  • To foster the publication of innovative and impactful research in psychology through groundbreaking studies that advance theoretical and practical understanding in the field.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research that intersects psychology with other fields such as sociology, gender studies, developmental studies, biological sciences, psychometrics, and environmental studies.
  • To enhance accessibility and knowledge sharing by making research findings available to a global audience
  • To support emerging scholars By recognizing and promoting the contributions of new researchers, we aim to nurture the next generation of leaders in psychological research.

Scope of the Journal

Advanced Psychological Research is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, original research articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and insightful theoretical essays on a wide range of topics within psychology and related disciplines. The journal seeks to foster dialogue and exchange among scholars across various fields, including psychology, sociology, gender studies, developmental studies, biological sciences, psychometrics, qualitative and quantitative research methods, cultural studies, and environmental psychology.

We welcome research that enhances our understanding of psychological phenomena and addresses complex social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental issues from a psychological perspective. Our journal places particular emphasis on the intersectionality of these issues, encouraging submissions that explore how multiple factors interact to shape human behavior and mental processes.

Areas of interest for Advanced Psychological Research include but are not limited to: Clinical and Developmental Psychology, Biological Psychology, Psychometrics, qualitative and Quantitative methods, Cultural and Environmental Psychology, Gender Studies, Social and Cultural Psychology, and Educational, Organizational and Health Psychology.

Advanced Psychological Research is committed to publishing high-quality, original research that contributes to the advancement of psychological science and informs public policy and practice. We seek to provide a platform for innovative studies that offer new insights and theoretical contributions, promoting a deeper understanding of complex psychological issues.

Peer Review Policy

All manuscripts submitted to Advanced Psychological Research undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure scholarly excellence and integrity. In this process, both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other, minimizing biases and ensuring an objective evaluation. Submitted manuscripts first undergo an initial screening by the editorial team to assess their suitability for the journal. Those that pass this initial review are then evaluated by at least two independent experts in the relevant field.

Reviewers assess the manuscripts based on criteria such as originality, methodological rigor, clarity, and the contribution to the field. Based on the reviewers' feedback, the editorial team makes a decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript. Occasionally, invited papers and editorials may be exempt from this process, particularly when an entire volume is dedicated to a special theme. All accepted papers must pass an originality test to ensure the work is novel and appropriately cited, thereby upholding the journal's high standards of academic integrity.