Advanced Psychological Research <p>The "Advanced psychological research" is a cutting-edge, double-blind peer-reviewed publication, published bi-annually, dedicated to exploring the intricate intersections of psychology's theoretical foundations and real-world applications in clinical settings. With a steadfast commitment to advancing the field of psychology, this journal serves as a vital platform for researchers, clinicians, practitioners, and academicians alike. It offers a comprehensive range of articles, studies, and reviews that bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering a deeper understanding of the practical implications of psychological research.</p> en-US Advanced Psychological Research Ambivalent Attachment Style, Death Awareness, and Love Styles in Adults <p>The current research study aims to discover how ambivalent attachment style, death awareness, and love style in people with different demographic characteristics are related to each other. The sample comprised 93 participants, of whom 27 were men and 66 were women (M = 35). 61. SD = 13. 82). The study suggested a gap between agape and mania love in individuals with highly ambivalent attachment styles when the manipulation of mortality salience, death reflection, and control group are considered. In addition, the researcher proposed that individuals with high and low ambivalent attachment styles might have different love styles from each other. Death awareness is most probably to mediate the association between ambivalent attachment style and love styles. The measurements used in this study were the Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ) by Simpson et al. (1996), the Love Attitude Scale (LAS) by Hendrick and Hendrick (1986), and the Death Awareness scenarios. The data revealed that highly ambivalent individuals did not differ in their love styles from the control and mortality salience groups. However, highly ambivalent people displayed lower love after-death reflection than individuals from the control group. A higher ambivalent attachment style in the control group increases the probability of mania and agape love. The main conclusion of the study demonstrated that a higher level of ambivalent attachment style was related to a lower level of agape love when individuals experienced death reflection and mortality salience.</p> Aima Khan Tareen Zohaib Naeem Babar Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Psychological Research 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 1 18 Investigating Attitude towards Corporal Punishment as a Predictor of Personality Traits and Self-efficacy in Public and Private Sector School Teachers <p>Teaching, a challenging occupation, incorporates the inherent components of self-efficacy, personality traits, lack of energy, and thoughts of inner discomfort. It encouraged the current study to explore the part that predicts how teachers feel about physical punishment in terms of personality traits and self-efficacy. A non-probability convenience sample of 140 school teachers from the public and private secondary sectors, utilising a correlation design, individuals with ages ranging from 22 to 66 years (M = 38.4, SD = 10.8) were recruited. Following APA criteria, participants presented sociodemographic information and responses to research variables on the Big-Five Personality Scale, Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale, and Teachers Questionnaire to assess attitudes towards Corporal Punishment. The results indicated that extraversion, neuroticism, and effectiveness in teaching methods were the personality traits that positively predicted attitudes toward corporal punishment. At the same time, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness were the personality traits that negatively predicted attitudes toward corporal punishment. Teachers in public schools typically report having a favourable opinion of corporal punishment. Additionally, male educators usually report having a favourable attitude toward physical punishment. The results included the requirement to report the factors responsible for the teachers' views on using physical punishment.</p> Humna Abid Imran Waris Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Psychological Research 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 19 31 Knowledge, Attitude and Risk Perceptions of People towards Climate Change: Predicting Pro-Environmental Behaviours for Mitigation and Adaptation <p>This study was carried out to find the predictors of pro-environmental behaviours (PEBs) to mitigate Climate change (CC) and to assess its association with knowledge about CC, attitude (beliefs and intentions) towards CC, personal experience with extreme weather events, holistic effect of CC, risk perception and individual willingness to reduce CC. The study used a correlational research design and a convenient sampling strategy to recruit 200 (N=200) young adults from Lahore. The results revealed that risk perception was a mediator between positive beliefs about climate change and negative affective evaluation of CC and PEBs. People with positive beliefs and negative feelings towards climate change had higher risk perceptions, leading them to act pro-environmentally. Moreover, personal willingness was also a significant positive predictor of PEBs. The findings illustrated that education positively correlated with PEBs, and women were likelier to engage in PEBs than men. The study has significant implications as it highlighted the crucial role beliefs, feelings, risk perception, and personal willingness can play in mitigating CC. Interventions should be designed to educate people about CC, strengthen their beliefs, stimulate negative affect towards CC, and increase risk perception and willingness. It can also help Pakistan's policymakers to improve the public's engagement with PEBs.</p> Iqra Iqbal Saima Ghazal Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Psychological Research 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 32 54 Caregiver Stress, Marital Adjustment and Psychological Well-being in Caretakers of Older Adults <p>The current research identifies the relationship between caregiver stress, marital adjustment, and psychological well-being in adult men and women. It is a cross-sectional study in which 100 married participants (50 males and 50 females) were taken for the survey living in intact families with at least one old parent. It was hypothesised that demographic variables are likely to be associated with study variables, and there is expected to be a relationship among study variables. It was also hypothesised that caregiver stress is expected to predict psychological well-being, and marital adjustment is likely to mediate the impact of caregiver stress on psychological well-being. Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale (Kilik &amp; Hopkins, <a href="#Kilik">2019</a>), Couple Satisfaction Index (Funk &amp; Rogge, <a href="#Funk">2007</a>), and Psychological Well-being Scale (Stavraki et al., <a href="#Stavraki">2022</a>) were used. Pearson product-moment correlation, mediation, and t-test analysis were employed. Results of this study showed that caregiver stress is negative, while marital adjustment positively correlates with psychological well-being. T-test revealed that men were found to have lower caregiver stress, higher marital adjustment, and higher psychological well-being than women. Mediation analysis showed that caregiver stress predicts psychological well-being and marital adjustment, which partially mediated the relationship between the other two variables, which was confirmed through the Sobel z-test. The research explains the possible solutions to caregiving problems and how married couples can balance out different roles in daily life to maintain their psychological well-being.</p> Shahzarey Ashraf Afifa Anjum Saad Bin Masood Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Psychological Research 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 55 71 Self-Silencing, Communication Patterns and Marital Adjustment in Married Couples <p>This study explored the relationship between self-silencing, communication patterns and marital adjustment in married couples. The study assumed a positive association between self-silencing, communication patterns, and marital adjustment and hypothesized the prediction among them. One hundred participants were recruited from Lahore, Pakistan, who had a duration of marriage between 1-8 years. To assess the study variables, the Self-Silencing Scale by Dana Jack (1992), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale by Spanier (1976) and the Communication Patterns Questionnaire by Christesen and Shenk (1991) were used. The results revealed that self-silencing, self-demand/partner-withdraw, and partner-demand/self-withdraw were negatively correlated with marital adjustment. At the same time, constructive communication had a significant positive correlation with marital adjustment. Hierarchical regression for husbands showed that constructive communication patterns positively predicted marital adjustment. The study is beneficial for the understanding of researchers and the awareness of the public about marital well-being.</p> Mahnoor Saleem Irum Fatima Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Psychological Research 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 72 85